Archive: custom page leave function password validation

custom page leave function password validation
Hi people, I've been trying to validate a users login on a remote server page, I have the blank password code working fine, although I can't see why the abort doesnt work after reading the value from the text file, I want it to go back to the page like the abort call does on empty password, anyway I've included the page leave function if anyone can read it hehe


Function exitGetCFPassPage
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $CFPASS "getCFPass.ini" "Field 2" "State"
MessageBox MB_OK "$$CFPASS == $CFPASS"
# check its not empty at least
${If} $CFPASS == ""
# empty password, prompt for a valid password again
MessageBox MB_OK "Please enter a valid ColdFusion admin password."
# we forget all the items are extracted here already due to this page coming after the instfiles page
# we can just perform a simple wget on the testlogin script, and read the contents of c:\adminapi.log
# to see if it produced true or false for a valid login, then we can validate in here until we get a
# valid password!

NSExec::exec "$TEMP\${gossTemp}\wget\wget.exe http://localhost/icm/adminAPI/testlogin.cfm?password=$CFPASS"
# this returns a file c:\adminapi.log with true or false in, which we can use
# read the file, decide what to do etc, what about exceptions if its not there?
FileOpen $4 "c:\adminapi.log" r
# we read until the end of line (including carriage return and new line) and save it to $1
FileRead $4 $1
# close the file
FileClose $4
MessageBox MB_OK "login result is : $1"
${If} $1 == "false"
# invalid login
MessageBox MB_OK "Please enter a valid ColdFusion admin password."

I believe I need to basically loop over the wget checking and file reading code until I get 'true' in $0

but I've tried labels etc and this abort method and it doesnt work, so loop maybe?

hmm all my attempts to loop around this function just end in an infinite loop as it doesnt let me input a new value.

I'm stuck :(

damn you custom dialogs and all that jazz

With no further details like a complete example or the results of the message box, I have to guess and I put my bet on the FAQ.