Archive: I dont understand why my if statement is failing

I dont understand why my if statement is failing
I just dont get it anymore, my text file written from the CF script merely produces 'failed' or 'success' but the if comparison must fail, because the messagebox never gets shown. I thought it might be an "\r\n" on the end of the string in the text file, but its not.

I have no idea why its happening any more, and also looping around this custom page is making me combust.


Function exitGetCFPassPage
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $CFPASS "getCFPass.ini" "Field 2" "State"
MessageBox MB_OK "$$CFPASS == $CFPASS"
# check its not empty at least
#${If} $CFPASS == ""
# # empty password, prompt for a valid password again
# MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Please enter a valid ColdFusion admin password."
# abort
# we forget all the items are extracted here already due to this page coming after the instfiles page
# we can just perform a simple wget on the testlogin script, and read the contents of c:\adminapi.log
# to see if it produced true or false for a valid login, then we can validate in here until we get a
# valid password!
NSExec::exec "$TEMP\${gossTemp}\wget\wget.exe http://localhost/icm/adminAPI/testlogin.cfm?password=$CFPASS"
# this returns a file c:\adminapi.log with true or false in, which we can use
# read the file, decide what to do etc, what about exceptions if its not there?
FileOpen $4 "c:\adminapi.log" r
# we read until the end of line (including carriage return and new line) and save it to $1
FileRead $4 $1
# close the file
FileClose $4
# debug the result
MessageBox MB_OK $1
${If} $1 == "failed"
MessageBox MB_OK "failed login!"
# then it carries on anyway, why? it should abort

some quick notes:
-stop the execution before open adminapi.log
-verify that this file exists, is accessible and readble
-you said it returns true or false, though you're checking for failed!
-when you pop up that message with $1, does $1 contains "failed"?
-finally try the nsExec::ExecToLog and/or nsExec::ExecToStack

I believe its something to do with a carriage return, on the end of the text in the file I created with CF, and trying to read in NSIS.

hah, it says failed because I've been playing with it to get it to check right, tried 0 or 1, etc, nothing works.

by stopping the execution I dont get how you do that exactly.

the file exists for sure, and is readable etc,

yes, the messagebox just contains success/failed, true or false etc, theres no extra text after (except maybe a carriage return I can't see), so this is why I dont get why the if statement underneath would fail.

I am trying to work out the carriage return character so basically i can include that in my if statement too.. like so (where "#" is the CR)

# we need to check on the carriage return too.. but how?
${If} $1 == "failed#"
MessageBox MB_OK "failed login!"

hope this helps, a little, I've been trying for a couple hours now to no avail. gah

its this for sure, when I open the file in a word processor and turn on 'show extra formatting' it shows the CR/LF symbol.

also, theres 7 bytes in the text file "success" but the actual file size is 9 bytes.

I could do a sort of 'substr' on the string to find 'success' in 'success\r\n' I guess, but its a bit of a bodge

Then try wordfunc/textfunc to grab the string.

OK this will make the job:
strcpy $1 $1 '-2'
${If} $1 == "failed"
MessageBox MB_OK "failed login!"

Well, create a text file, name it read.txt, write in this file failed press enter (add a CR) and save it in $exedir.
Now compile and execute the following script:

outfile test.exe

function .onInit
FileOpen $4 $EXEDIR\read.txt r
FileRead $4 $1
FileClose $4
messagebox mb_ok '$1 contains a CR'
strcpy $1 $1 '-2'
strcmp $1 'failed' +1 +3
messagebox mb_ok '$1 without CR'
messagebox mb_ok 'Error!'

section -

thats exactly what i'm trying now, chopping two bytes from the end! will let you know how it goes.

edit: works fantastically. now.. what about changing the focus back from the next button, to the texbox and clearing the value of the wrong password?

thanks, I owe you a lot, the help this community gives is great.

thanks, I owe you a lot, the help this community gives is great.
You welcome :-) we all owe to NSIS development team.

what about changing the focus back from the next button, to the texbox and clearing the value of the wrong password?
Abort on a custom page leave function means that you stay in the page because validation has failed.
To clear the pwd field use SendMessage e.g.
!include WinMessages.nsh ;up along with other includes
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "getCFPass.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 "STR:"

that works great too, just need to set the focus now , I tried the obvious WM_SETFOCUS but meh. didnt work

I'll work this one out though .. hehe

SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFOCUS} 1 0

I was close! just missing the end bits, I'll try it tomorrow! thanks muchly

Use TrimNewLines function in the documentation under Useful Scripts. It's not always guaranteed that the file will use carriage returns followed by new line breaks and a -2 chop may remove more characters than you want it to.


Hmm, thats the only time i need to read from a text file thankfully.

The setfocus code, it sets the focus back to the textbox as I can see the cursor re-appear in the textbox after a wrong password, however, when I try to type I realise the focus is still actually on the next button, odd, strange how it appears the textbox is in focus. I still have to click in the textbox to edit however.

Originally posted by Red Wine
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETFOCUS} 1 0
Use instead: System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r0, i 0x0007, i,i)i"

Use instead: System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r0, i 0x0007, i,i)i"
Did you use that your self?

I'm not sure why you have those extra parameters zeeh3, unless I'm missing something.

user32::SetFocus only takes one parameter and that is the window handle of the control to set keyboard focus on.


Oops... System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r0)i"

thanks guys, will give it a go tomorrow.

edit: just checking, is "r0" supposed to be $R0 ?


r0 == $0

Originally posted by shaunb
thanks guys, will give it a go tomorrow.

edit: just checking, is "r0" supposed to be $R0 ?

No, read system plugin documentation:
r0 through r9 = $0 through $9
r10 through r19 (or R0 through R9) = $R0 through $R9, respectively.

Originally posted by zeeh3
Oops... System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r0)i"
works perfect, thanks very much

I understand the registers better I think now, too.