Archive: Please help me?

Please help me?
Hello NSIS's.(from Mongolia)
Hi my name is Hurlee.B Im a highschool student in Ulaanbaatar.Im very interested inVB programming,but i wanted to use NSIS for my program installer(setup).
Ive sent you my first installable program which i use Nsis

; Creation Date
${GetTime} "$EXEDIR\scheduleSetup.exe" "C" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
StrCpy $strDateString '$0/$1/$2'

; Modified Date
${GetTime} "$EXEDIR\scheduleSetup.exe" "M" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
StrCpy $strDateString '$strDateString $0/$1/$2'

;IfErrors 0 +2
;MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2

;MessageBox MB_OK $strDateString
StrCmp $strDateString '16/05/2006 16/05/2006' +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Setup was copied."

I thought it was a rather good setup but my classmates just easily copied it even they dont know programming.And i knew that they just turn back their computer clock backwards and copied it.
Please if someone know about this let me show how to protect? Thank you all.
Hurlee. see you:):)
Oh i had to cut the setup.exe it says your attachment is too long.

Search the forum for "protect" and you'll find some discussions about this topic:

Oh, Thank you very much kichik!
I,ll check the link right away.
