Archive: How can i get the conctrol ID in the dialog?

How can i get the conctrol ID in the dialog?

Can you be more specific?

i want to change the static text on dialog when oninit,
i want to useGetDlgItem to implement, so...

You can't use GetDlgItem in .onInit... The dialog is not created until .onGUIInit (which is where you should use GetDlgItem).

Use Resource Hacker and open up the UI you are using (e.g. Contrib\UIs\modern.exe for Modern UI). Google Resource Hacker for a download link.


How to use .onGUIInit ?
can it change all pages?

What control(s) do you need to change exactly?
If it's the heading text labels for pages, then there are Modern UI !defines to set the texts.


Yes, i know,
but i'm going to develop a German setup package, and i must use my own wording.
so i use LangString to define strings in script, then modify the wording when setup running.

Is that OK? and how to?
Thanks a lot!

!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT $(LangStringA)
!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_SUBTEXT $(LangStringB)
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_...

There should be defines for all the different labels.


Thanks a lot!