Archive: 3rd Party setup program

3rd Party setup program
Hello everyone,

I mad my own Setup script, I want to add an 3rd party setup installer in my script.
I want that the user doesn't have to click any buttons.
But the 3rd party software need to be clicked :

1= Next>
2= Yes
3= Here I have to write the User name and Serial and then click on Next

What I have to do I want that the installation click automatically on Next?

Please Help.
Kind Regards Tulp

Hello again.

Can nobody help me? I have to do it for my school project, and It have to be finished today.

Pls help me.
Kind Regards

only read it now, which is to late for you. Anyhow what you have learned from this is that planning is very important in successfully finished software projects. Success.

It's easier said than done.

To click on a button you need to:

1. Get the handle of the installer dialog. You can get this by either knowing the window class or by enumerating all windows with EnumWindows (C/C++) until you find a window with the correct caption.
2. Get the handle of the button in that dialog. This can be done either by knowing its unique control ID (with GetDlgItem) or enumerating all controls until you find the button with text of "Next" by using EnumChildWindows (C/C++).
3. Finally send the WM_CLICK message to the button control using SendMessage to act like the user has clicked on it.

As for typing text, use the keybd_event function (C/C++).


Afrow UK, you are just too kind ;)


Thanx for the reply,

I think the answer of is not what I need.
I will begin from the begin to be more clearly.
I use the NSIS installer to install my software, my software need some 3rd part software, and in this case I have the installer program of them. What I am trying to do is call the 3rd part installer program like:

nsExec "$INSTDIR\TaxiLogic\XPSuite34Setup\Setup.exe"

The installer is opened, and now I have to choose Next, to go further, and after doing this I have 2 text boxes where must be typed the name and the serial number of XPSuite program, and then click again on "Yes" and the program must be installed, and after that must be closed.
So, this all I want to automated to automatically clicked on "Next" after that automatically typed in the "User name" and "Serial number", and then automatically clicked on "Yes" and after that has been installed clicked on "Close".

How can I do this by script?
Kind Regards

Exactly what I said. There is no other way, unless you create your own installer to install XPSuite.


So, this all I want to automated to automatically clicked on "Next" after that automatically typed in the "User name" and "Serial number", and then automatically clicked on "Yes" and after that has been installed clicked on "Close".
You can do this using AutoIt. You can create a wrapper for the setup file that you are running which will automatically fill in the fields/press buttons.


@Afrow UK

If I read your message, I came to conclusion that I must write a program that will do the thing, but what am I asking
is there a way to do that thing with installer script, and if is that right what your saying I can't understand that. I will be happy if you give me an example...

Thanx for the reply, I looked the website, i will try it.
thanx btw.
