Archive: About ${StrCase}

About ${StrCase}
why the code couldn't compile?

Section Test
${StrCase} $R0 "hello,world" U
DetailPrint $R0

I had include UsefulLib.nsh

the prompt is "macro INSERT_FUNC_StrCase need 2 param,but got 4!"

What's UsefulLib.nsh? I can only find two pages about it using Google and they're both in a language I can't read.

Ah,Chinese words.

# Fun: StrCase (from StrFunc.nsh)
!insertmacro DEFINE_FUNC StrCase

!macro CALL_FUNC_StrCase NAME UNFIX ResultVar String Type
Push `${String}`
Push `${Type}`
Call ${UNFIX}${NAME}
Pop ${ResultVar}

Function `${UNFIX}${NAME}`
;After this point:
; ------------------------------------------
; $0 = String (input)
; $1 = Type (input)
; $2 = StrLength (temp)
; $3 = StartChar (temp)
; $4 = EndChar (temp)
; $5 = ResultStr (temp)
; $6 = CurrentChar (temp)
; $7 = LastChar (temp)
; $8 = Temp (temp)

;Get input from user
Exch $1
Exch $0
Push $2
Push $3
Push $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $7
Push $8

;Initialize variables
StrCpy $2 ""
StrCpy $3 ""
StrCpy $4 ""
StrCpy $5 ""
StrCpy $6 ""
StrCpy $7 ""
StrCpy $8 ""

SetPluginUnload alwaysoff

;Upper and lower cases are simple to use
${If} $1 == "U"

;Upper Case System:
; Convert all characters to upper case.

System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r0 r5)i"
Goto StrCase_End
${ElseIf} $1 == "L"

;Lower Case System:
; Convert all characters to lower case.

System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r0 r5)i"
Goto StrCase_End

;For the rest of cases:
;Get "String" length
StrLen $2 $0

;Make a loop until the end of "String"
${For} $3 0 $2
;Add 1 to "EndChar" counter also
IntOp $4 $3 + 1

# Step 1: Detect one character at a time

;Remove characters before "StartChar" except when
;"StartChar" is the first character of "String"
${If} $3 <> 0
StrCpy $6 $0 `` $3

;Remove characters after "EndChar" except when
;"EndChar" is the last character of "String"
${If} $4 <> $2
${If} $3 = 0
StrCpy $6 $0 1
StrCpy $6 $6 1

# Step 2: Convert to the advanced case user chose:

${If} $1 == "T"

;Title Case System:
; Convert all characters after a non-alphabetic character to upper case.
; Else convert to lower case.

;Use "IsCharAlpha" for the job
System::Call "*(&t1 r7) i .r8"
System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)"
System::Free $8
System::Call "user32::IsCharAlpha(i r7) i .r8"

;Verify "IsCharAlpha" result and convert the character
${If} $8 = 0
System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i"
System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i"
${ElseIf} $1 == "S"

;Sentence Case System:
; Convert all characters after a ".", "!" or "?" character to upper case.
; Else convert to lower case. Spaces or tabs after these marks are ignored.

;Detect current characters and ignore if necessary
${If} $6 == " "
${OrIf} $6 == "$\t"
Goto IgnoreLetter

;Detect last characters and convert
${If} $7 == "."
${OrIf} $7 == "!"
${OrIf} $7 == "?"
${OrIf} $7 == ""
System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i"
System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i"
${ElseIf} $1 == "<>"

;Switch Case System:
; Switch all characters cases to their inverse case.

;Use "IsCharUpper" for the job
System::Call "*(&t1 r6) i .r8"
System::Call "*$8(&i1 .r7)"
System::Free $8
System::Call "user32::IsCharUpper(i r7) i .r8"

;Verify "IsCharUpper" result and convert the character
${If} $8 = 0
System::Call "User32::CharUpper(t r6 r6)i"
System::Call "User32::CharLower(t r6 r6)i"

;Write the character to "LastChar"
StrCpy $7 $6

;Add this character to "ResultStr"
StrCpy $5 `$5$6`


;After this point:
; ------------------------------------------
; $0 = OutVar (output)

; Copy "ResultStr" to "OutVar"
StrCpy $0 $5

SetPluginUnload manual
;Return output to user
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Exch $0
!insertmacro DEFINE_CALL `${NAME}` `${UNFIX}`

Have you taken the function from StrFunc.nsh?
You really should use it directly.

Make sure you have ${StrCase} at the top of the script after !include StrFunc.nsh


Yeah,I have done,but it apears param error.

See Examples\StrFunc.nsi
