Archive: How know the server name?

How know the server name?

I try to find in registry the key which indicates the server name, but I don't find it.
Someone can help me?
Thanks a lot

What for? Apache, IIS...?


For apache, I just need the server name where the setup is used

I guess the easiest way would be to create an Apache server and do a registry search with the Search feature in regedit. If you've already done this, then I guess it's stored in a configuration file (most things are in Apache).


I found that, in HKLM, System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName and ComputerName
I think it's the good value.

That would be the network identity name for that computer. Nothing to do with Apache as such.


In fact, is for the configuration between apache and tomcat, but, I don't know why, we just asked me to have a field in the setup with the server name, name used in the configuration. I don't know this part (so, i didn't understand, so the man who asked me this doesn't understand that he does)