Archive: My first script

My first script

I'm trying to create a little script : copy files.

I use "File" command.

SetOutPath "$TEMP\NPUpdate_TMP"
File "..\..\PCAUSA\PCANDIS5.sys"

I do not understand why PCANDIS5.sys file is extacted in root direectory (c:\)



I picked up your code snippet and created the two level folder structure like you have and the extracted file ended up in the TEMP\NPUpdate_TMP folder as intended.

You will probably need to post/attach your script to give us some more info. It might also be useful to know exactly what your source folder structure looks like.



I need to copy/install files into a certain directory with a fixed name, but no fixed path. How can I set up the installer to search the local HDDs to find the desired folder and then installing the files.

Great thanks in advance

Try the Locate plugin