Archive: Gets the SectionGroup's flags

Gets the SectionGroup's flags
It is necessary for me to define the status of SectionGroup before the Components page will be shown. I have some SectionGroups and by default all of included section not selected. When I receive a flag of SectionGroup using function


Function SectionStatus
SectionGetText ${SECGRP0000} $R0
SectionGetFlags ${SECGRP0000} $R1
MessageBox MB_OK "Section $R0 has flags $R1"

it is equal 35! (SF_EXPAND + SF_SECGRP + SF_SELECTED). Why?

If on components page I choose component in other group I receive in function .onSelChange a flag 34 (SF_EXPAND + SF_SECGRP) for this SectionGroup as well as should be.

How can I get the correct section flag before the Components page will be shown?

Example script included.

Try checking the flags in the pre callback function and submit a bug report about this issue.