Archive: ExecWait exe file problem

ExecWait exe file problem
i have a script which includes command below
(i'm trying to open db2 command line proccessor)
when i try to test installer, 80 exes are opening.
i tried "DB2CMD.exe DB2SETCP.BAT DB2.EXE" command from works well.
i also tried nsExec command but result is same.
can anyone help me about this?


ExecWait '"DB2CMD.exe" DB2SETCP.BAT DB2.EXE'


but the same result
when i try to test installer, (about) 80 exes are opening


What is SetOutPath set to before you call ExecWait?

Also try:
ExecWait '"DB2CMD.exe" "DB2SETCP.BAT DB2.EXE"'

Edit: Also, are the 80 processes all multiple instances of DB2CMD.exe?


i just want to create database. there's no problem in installation. to create database, i must reach exe i defined.
i can do it with command line
i run cmd and write "DB2CMD.exe DB2SETCP.BAT DB2.EXE create db sampledb".it works fine.
but that doesn't work in nsis.
thanks for reply
i tried all combinations of ' and " with exec and execwait commands. that doesn't work.

What's the content of the batch file? IMHO this is the only looping point. OS stops repeating processes creation on some limit (may be 80). Can you simplify the situation by excluding bat and/or exe from command line? Or may be you can put this cmd line to (new) bat file wrapper?