Archive: PassDialog plugin: can its language be changed?

PassDialog plugin: can its language be changed?
Hi everyone

My installer has two different languages, and I use the PassDialog plugin.
Is it possible to change its language?
All I can do right now is to change this text:
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(msg_auth_enter)" "$(msg_auth_enter_to_continue)."

But there's one problem: the plugin still uses some "hardcoded" strings:
-Please enter your username and password before continuing...
-Enter username and password

Is there any way to change this strings?

Thanks for the help

Did you try those resource hacker & hex decimals apps?
I'm not familiar with the plugin, so I'm just guessing

No, I didn't.
Isn't there a nice way to change its language?

They're all in the readme. I guess you missed them?
/USERTEXT [label_text] [box_text]
/PASSTEXT [label_text] [box_text]


Yes, I missed the fact that the plugin was able to receive parameters

Sorry, I am just learning, but you seem a pro in NSIS installs! Thanks a lot for your help!