Archive: Retreive and Set Network MACID??

Retreive and Set Network MACID??

Does any body know how to retreive or set a MACID for a specfic Network Card.


I don't think you can set a mac address?
This code will get it (you'll have to put it into a plugin);en-us;118623


I found this following either in this forum or in the wiki.

Section "Get MAC Adress"

SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
SetOutPath $TEMP
!define maxsize 4096
::Alloc ${maxsize}
Pop $3
System::Call 'iphlpapi::GetAdaptersInfo(i r3r4, *l ${maxsize} r2)i.r1'
StrCmp $1 0 0 finish ;in case of errors
System::Call '*$4(i.r4,i,&t260.r5, &t132.r6, i.r7, l.r8)'
Math::Script "hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};"
Math::Script "s=''; a=r8; b=r7; #{b-->0,s=s+hex***91;a/16%16***93;+hex***91;a%16***93;+#***91;b>0,'-',''***93;; a=a/256;}; r9=s;"
MessageBox MB_OK "Adapter name is $5$\ndesc $6$\naddr len $7$\naddr $8$\nMacAddr: $9"
System::Free $3
; last plugin call must not have /NOUNLOAD so NSIS will be able to delete the temporary DLL
SetPluginUnload manual
; do nothing
System::Free 0
Math::Script ""
Setting the mac adress should be impossible as the nic vendor has to support this and even if so you can only set it within the properties of the nic in device manager

regards flizebogen

Thanks for the feeback, in a adanced tab in window's networking there is an option to change your Mac ID, We are using VM Ware. I am using NSIS to configure each specific vm ware image.