Archive: The bare minimum

The bare minimum
In my first attempt to use NullSoft, I have experimented with the sample "The bare minimum." Its content is:

# name the installer
outFile "installer.exe"

# default section start; every NSIS script has at least one section.

# default section end

For testing purposes, I have created the .nis file in this directory:

C:\Program Files\LS\NSIS_Script_Editor

The NSIS Script Editor log ends with these 2 lines:

!define "MUI_INSERT_NSISCONF" = ""
Can't open script "C\Program"

I have read various things about that first line, but still I must ask, What am I lacking?

put some tomatoes there.

OutFile "installer.exe"
MessageBox MB_Ok|MB_topmost "A car! pluft Where!? pluft"

I'm not quite sure what the tomatoes comment means, but I gave your notes a whirl. Here's the sum of what I now have in my editor:

OutFile "installer.exe"
MessageBox MB_Ok|MB_topmost "A car! pluft Where!? pluft"

The results are exactly the same.

Can't open script "C:\Program"

I would greatly appreciate any further assistance here. Obviously there is a simple something that I am not understanding, and it's like having the door to NSIS barred.

I don't understand.

>Try creating the .nis file in a DOS style path: "C:\Test\X.nsi" (no spaces) If you run the file from the run box (window+R), will fail if not in DOS style.
C:\Program indicates that the path has ended.

>If the program is running, there is also an error. Press Ctrl Alt Del before compiling to verify.
>NSIS is properly installed? (you've not copied the entire path to other, do you?)
>Are you using nsisedit? (very good editor)
>Some kind of antivirus?
>Ran scandisk ? - this happens when there is an error on hd.

Thank you, Mark. I loaded your script into MAKENSISW and tested the installer, and it's perfect.

So why am I not able to compile and execute in NSIS Script Editor? It seems to me that it is related to the editor using MAKENSIS rather than MAKENSISW ? I paid $25 to download that editor and can't get it to compile and run the installer.

There must be something else I'm not understanding.

or (the two lines below are only one link, one line)

It"s free. Edit, correct misstypes, compiles and execute.
There is only a little bug on find/replace all.
I don't know about your editor. Sorry.
Here it goes: One tomato screamed to his friend:
- A Car !
And the other goes:
- Where ?!
Programming can't be boring. Be patient with nsis.

Maybe I got ripped off when I bought the editor from Labour-Saving Software Labs. Their product is called NSIS Script Editor. With that product, I have not yet succeeded in compiling the script, nor does the Help menu item work.


Originally posted by SteveRussell

The results are exactly the same.

Can't open script "C:\Program"

Seems like a long filename problem to me. Try accessing the script with 8+3-names instead. You know, those that look like "C:\PROGRA~1\yada\yada\script.nsi".

Or, create your test directory in a path that contains no spaces.

Per Gunnar Hansø