Archive: read only registries

read only registries

In my application installer i am creating the registries using WriteRegStr But that will allow the user to modify registry manually.
Is there any way to create the registries so that they are only readonly.?

Thanks in Advance

Have a look at the AccessControl plugin.


Thnaks for the reply.

Do I have to provide trustee information for the registry entry
(GrantOnRegKey <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>)
because what i want is i don't want the user be able to modify the that entrty at any cost.

If u can provide with sample code That will be very helpful.



I have wriiten following code to give read permissions for the entry "inst"

WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Webpartner\date" "inst" "23"
AccessControl::GrantOnRegKey HKLM "Software\Webpartner\date" "Everyone" "GenericRead"

But i am able to right click on the inst entry in registry and modify .I want to disable the option modify.

How this is possible?


What if you use "Software\Webpartner\date\inst"?


Forget that post. You need to use SetOnRegKey, not GrantOnRegKey. GrantOnRegKey will just add GenericRead to the existing permissions.


I modified as:

SetOnRegKey HKLM "Software\Webpartner\date" "Everyone" "GenericRead"

But i am not able to compile the .nsi file it is saying invalid command.(I have copied the AccessControl.dll to plugins directory)


Sorry for the last post.
I am able to compile now.

WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\appl\date" "inst" "23"
AccessControl::SetOnRegKey HKLM "Software\appl\date\inst" "EveryOne" "GenericRead"

But still i am able to right click on inst keyname in the registry which is under the software\appl\date and change the value of the inst key .
Can i prevent that through NSis? Please let me know.

or is there any way to create hidden registry keys?


Are you actually using "EveryOne"? I'm pretty sure it's case sensitive.


yes that is case sensitive only.
I have written "Everyone" in code But It's a typo error in the post.

Is there any way to create the hidden registy