Archive: Multiple Installs To Different Paths

Multiple Installs To Different Paths
I have read a thread started by petco named "Go back after Page InstFiles, run the installer again" on how to do multiple installs by using deguix's "RelGoToPage" function. It works well but when I go back and Browse to a new fiolder, the new folder I browse to always has the default target folder appended to the new folder.
ie if the default is C:\A\B and I install to that folder and then go back and browse to C:\J I get C:\J\B as the install path.

Question 1 How do I get the folder I browse to with out the appended default.

Question 2 How do I get the Install Details to show automatically without having to click "Show Details"
My script is attached

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Jerry Fox

Add a backslash to the end of the path defined by InstallDir. (See the help files for more info about this.)

Using your example, it should look like this:

InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\FoxFales\OIO\"

Question 2 answer (code):
ShowInstDetails show

Thank you Gentlemen for the help.