Archive: Set sequence of custom dialogs

Set sequence of custom dialogs
Hi Everyone,

I created 2 custom pages in the following way and trying to set the sequence between them.

1. I have create 2 INI files (first.ini, second.ini).
2. For each ini file I created nsh file. The nsh file for
first.ini contains the functions setCustom and
ValidateCustom. The nsh file for second.ini contains
the functions setCustom2 and ValidateCustom2.
3. In the nsi file I write:
!include "first_Page.nsh"
!include "second_Page.nsh"
Page custom SetCustom ValidateCustom ""
Page custom SetCustom2 ValidateCustom2 ""

When compiling I get the error: Resolving create-page
function "setCustom2" in install pages.

Does anyone know what is wrong ?


You must be missing a function called setCustom2
