Archive: makensis return/errorcode

makensis return/errorcode

I'm using makensis to automaticly create the setup files during the nightly build.

Does makensis provide some errorcode to check if the creation was sucessfull?
(e.g. if errcode != 0 jump to errorhandling)

The only way I found so far, is checking if a .exe file exist or to parse through the whole output file an check if a line starts with "error" :tinfoil:

or rtfm

Sorry, I was a bit too fast with the link: that's another topic. Makensis returns errorlevel 0 for errorfree scripts (including warnings) else errorlevel 1. Watch the "Exit Code" at the end of the compilerlog.

Thanks for the Answer

Suggestion to the Developers:

Probably you should add this to the Documentation? ;)