Archive: Error: "Invalid command: System::Call"

Error: "Invalid command: System::Call"
I just copied from the manual/faq the code to get the installer filename and it doesn't work for me:

System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileNameA(i 0, t .R0, i 1024) i r1'
WriteRegStr HKEY_CURRENT_USER "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" "InstallMyApp" $R0

Should I include something to my script to get this compile?

You're missing the system.dll in NSIS\Plugins
Not sure how, because it comes with NSIS. Perhaps you extracted the files incorrectly, or you've deleted the file or folder.


I don't have plugins folder at all. Maybe I have deleted it? It's an old installation. Wait...

I have Reinstalled and still no Plugin folder. The version I have is SGC NSI Installer v1.12

Erm... I see there is something newer already... :)

No backward compatibility? DirShow not supported.

But now compression is much better. :)

What on Earth is "SGC NSI Installer v1.12"?
You should download the latest NSIS installer from


It's some old version I downloaded few years ago and was using till now.

I did downloaded newest version. There ere some differences though in interpreting the script. For example in my previous version The background window with gradient fill was shown from the beggining, now it is shown after you clik "Ok" or "Yes" on the first dialog (Do you want to install this app), and perhaps some other.

It's also slower but that's due to more dvanced compression algorithms used.