Archive: Problem with MUI and checkbox notifying

Problem with MUI and checkbox notifying
I modifief the Modern UI InstallOptions.nsi example a bit.
Now Custom Page C has a dirrequest.
Both the dirrequest and the label are dependent of the checkbox. This means they should become disabled/enabled when the checkbox is toggled.
I tried to do this by adding the ValidatePageC Function.
However this does not seem to work. Should I maybe refresh the custom page after writing the values to the ini file?

Thanks already

Here is the source

See Contrib\InstallOptions\testnotify.nsi


The only difference between my script and the testnotity.nsi seems to be this piece of code which I now included;
ReadINIStr $4 "ioC.ini" "Field 1" "HWND"
EnableWindow $4 $1
ReadINIStr $4 "ioC.ini" "Field 1" "HWND2"
EnableWindow $4 $1

ReadINIStr $4 "ioC.ini" "Field 3" "HWND"
EnableWindow $4 $1
ReadINIStr $4 "ioC.ini" "Field 3" "HWND2"
EnableWindow $4 $1

But it still doesn't work,
should I maybe do something special because I use MUI?

New code is attached

I don't think you can use variables for the EnableWindow state parameter. Try moving them to under your ${If} structure with constants 0 and 1 instead of $1.


Tried this,
but still no results.

You should think something like this.
I think.

FindWindow $R1 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $1 $R1 1208
EnableWindow $1 1 0

In the testnotity.nsi none of this is used,
I was wondering wether this has anything to do with the fact I use MUI and the testnotify.nsi doesn't.
Does someone maybe notice any difference between testnotify.nsi and my example?

Function ValidatePageC

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "ioC.ini" "Settings" "State"
${If} $0 == 2

;Read checkbox state
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $1 "ioC.ini" "Field 2" "State"
;Enable/Disable DirRequest
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "ioC.ini" "Field 3" "HWND"
EnableWindow $0 $1
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "ioC.ini" "Field 3" "HWND2"
EnableWindow $0 $1



You weren't checking if NOTIFY was sent.
You were using ReadINIStr instead of MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ.


This was the problem,
now it works.
Thanks a lot!