Archive: how to zip the exe

how to zip the exe

i want to zip the .exe created by nsis .After that i want to upload that to server.How this is possible in nsis.


Why do you want to Zip the EXE?
It's already compressed. For best compression, use SetCompressor /SOLID LZMA


@javnav07: I guess you mean "automated".

I think there is no way to have the exe zipped by NSIS automatically. You should get a command line zip.exe/zip32.exe (see InfoZip or CygWin) and build a small batch file like this:

makensis my.nsi
zip my-application-setup.exe

If you want to upload, too, you will have to look for command line upload tools. You could build your own using NSIS (look for InetC in this forum) or you could look for a command line upload tool like ncftpput (for ftp).