Archive: System::Call "How to call User32.dll's API GetKeyboardLayoutList"

System::Call "How to call User32.dll's API GetKeyboardLayoutList"
Hello everyone.

I am writing a IME intaller with NSIS.
I want to call User32.dll's API GetKeyboardLayoutList with the System plugin. but, I don't know how to write.
I think the script should be..
System::Call "user32.dll::GetKeyboardLayoutList(???)??"

I am a novice at NSIS.:( It is too difficult for me to use system.dll now.

Anybody can help me?
Thanks very much.:)

:( There is nobody gave reply to my problem. why?:(

It'd be easier with a plug-in, because of the array management. But if you really wish...

System::Call 'user32::GetKeyboardLayoutList(i 0, i 0) i .r0'
IntOp $1 $0 * 4
System::Alloc $1
Pop $2
System::GetKeyboardLayoutList(i r0, i r2)
# $2 is a pointer to the handles list
# $0 is its length
Of course some error handling is needed...

Thank you, kichik.
I have noticed that you are one of the best here.

Your answer helps a lot. I need to have a try myself now.

Is NsisArray.dll the plugin you just referred to? It looks that it will make the work much easier.
Thanks again.

NSISArray.dll won't help you here. You need direct memory access, not string arrays. You'll need to manipulate the array pointer and read the values one by one.

Forgive my stupidity.:)

I have to analyze it seriously right away.

I am sorry for my poor English. :(

MessageBox MB_OK "Test Start... "

System::Call 'user32::GetKeyboardLayoutList(i 0, i 0)i .r0'
IntOp $1 $0 * 4
System::Alloc $1
Pop $2
System::Call 'user32::GetKeyboardLayoutList(i r0, i r2)i .r0'

StrCpy $1 1
System::Call '*$2(i .R1)'
IntFmt $R1 "%08X" $R1
ReadRegStr $R2 HKLM \
"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\$R1" "Layout Text"
StrCpy $R1 "0x$R1"
MessageBox MB_OK "($1/$0) --> $R1 $R2"
StrCmp $1 $0 done
IntOp $1 $1 + 1
IntOp $2 $2 + 4
Goto loop
MessageBox MB_OK "Test End! "

Well done in this test means that the big problem in uninstall section of my IME package has been resolved!

My Best Regards to kichik.:) Thank you very very much!