4th August 2006 22:45 UTC
LogSet Question
Hello all.
On one of my longer installers, I just went through the whole script and added a bunch of "LogSet On" and "LogSet Off" commands so the resulting log file will not be so large, and only log what I want to be logged. This works well.
However, now I thought I would get smart, and leave myself the option for full logging, if need be, by doing something like this:
StrCmp $0 bla +3 ;some condition
!define LOG "On"
Goto +2
!define LOG "Off"
LogSet ${LOG}
...code that may or may not be logged
However when I try to compile my script, I get errors with both constants ( LogSet ${LOG} ) or even if I try variables ( LogSet $Log ). It seems that LogSet will only take hard coded "On" or "Off", is this right? Thanks all for your help.
Afrow UK
5th August 2006 10:47 UTC
You've got it all wrong I'm afraid.
!define is a compile time instruction and StrCmp is a run time instruction.
Does that code even compile?
5th August 2006 18:19 UTC
Oh yeah, I was running on only 3 hours of sleep yesterday... :( Anyhow, also tried:
StrCmp $0 bla +3 ;some condition
StrCpy $Log "On"
Goto +2
StrCpy $Log "Off"
LogSet $Log
...code that may or may not be logged
However that does not compile either. I'm guessing that LogSet is also a compile time command? That being said I can't use $Log which won't have a value till run time? If that's the case, is there any way I can vary how my script logs itself based on a runtime condition? I'm guessing no. Thanks for your help.
Afrow UK
5th August 2006 19:13 UTC
Why not:
StrCmp $0 bla +3 ;some condition
LogSet on
Goto +2
LogSet off