Archive: Uninstalling removes other applications startmenu links too....

Uninstalling removes other applications startmenu links too....
Hi all,
I was using older version of NSIS and have recently switched to Modern UI and is experiencing some problems.
Whenever I uninstall the app it uninstalls properly + also deletes start menu links of other similar NSIS based apps.

Iam attaching two sample apps for testing purposes!

I was with this bug for the past two days. :cry:

Somebody please correct me!

Any help will be kindly acknowledged!

Thanks & eagerly looking forward your responses!

You don't initialize $STARTMENU_FOLDER in the uninstaller. It contains an empty value when you call that RMDir command. Take a look at Examples\Modern UI\StartMenu.nsi for a proper usage example.

Thanks a lot kichik for showing me the exact way!
