Archive: Custom Pages - Design

Custom Pages - Design
I´ve made a custom page on which the user can decide whether he starts a game from cd or install it on pc.
Now I want to design this custom page like the surface of my game. Especially the background colors, font type and size and the logo should be adapted to the game.
Now my questions: do you know a good tutorial or site that can help me? Can I define the parts of this page like on the other pages with e.g. MUI_HEADER_TEXT or must I use page macros, but I don´t know how to work with these.
Thank you very much.

Go to the deveoper center of the nsis site.
Check out the link....

Thank you for your reply.
I have another question. How can I get the "id´s" of the contents of my custom page. I have two labels and two chechboxes and now I want to change the font in size and color. I did it like this to change the first label and the header, but how can I do this with the rest????

GetDlgItem $DLGITEM $HWND 1200

CreateFont $FONT"Tahoma" 12 900
SetCtlColors $DLGITEM 0x003399

# schrift, hintergundfarbe
SetCtlColors $DLGITEM 0x003399 0xFFFFFF

Don't used ids, read the HWND value from the INI file as shown in the InstallOptions readme.

ReadINIStr $DLGITEM "path_to_file.ini" "Field #" "HWND"
I've updated the MUI readme to also mention this instead of GetDlgItem.