Archive: Help with a script (Sections problem)

Help with a script (Sections problem)
Not beeing a programmer - I could need some help with a script (enclosed)
I need to have 1 mandatory section, which is the program and then 2 sections of which only 1 can be choosen.
I have been looking in developer center and tried the section examples there, but I fail.

As it is now you can select and deselect all sections - which is not good, most users will install everything resulting in the correct files will be overwritten.

I hope someone can help and modify the script - I have given up and gone back to marketing where I belong ;)

Thanks in advance for any assistance/modification

Best regards

1. Put "SectionIn RO" inside the Section.
2. See Examples\one-section.nsi


Thanks for your swift answer, looked at "one-section" example, however this deals with only 1 section selected, I need 2.. The main program, and then 1 section out of a few.


You use RadioButtons on the two that need only one selection, ommiting your read only section.


Hi Stu
I have tried, but I must admit that I cannot implement this. Have you possibility of implementing your ideas into the script I enclosed in the beginning?

I hope this is not too much to ask, I seem to be stuck.



It is very straight forward.


I have been trying to implement this in the script (enclosed) But now I run into some syntax problems with:

Function: ".onInit"
Error: Function named ".onInit" already exists.
Error in script "C:\Programmer\NSIS\stu.nsi" on line 599 -- aborting creation process

Since this is allready defined in line 56 and when I comment this out another error occurs


Forgot the attachment

You can't have two Functions with the same name.


I use the modernUI, and I can see that the example you gave is classic.
While the classic example compiles OK, I get this error in my script:

!Insertmacro: macro named "StartRadioButtons" not found

Is this related to the modernUI?

Oh.. got it... I forgot to include "sections.nsh"
Thanks Stu

You can convert the code to use Modern UI with minimal changes. If you need help, let us know.


Hi Stu..
Looks like it works now, also with the ModernUI. I get a warning:
Install function ".Oninit1" not referenced zeroing code.

But it works.. I enclose it. thanks for your swift assistance.

Lars ;)

You've got this:

Function .onInit1

This code will never be executed.
You need to move its contents to the other .onInit Function and delete this Function.


Got it... Works like a charm