Archive: String replace

String replace
I'm working with some config files, and they use the install dir. Though the program needs double slashes in the config file. So I need to edit a string so it has double slashes

I couldn't find a function for doing this, any tips on how to solve this issue

here, here and ${NSISDIR}\include\StrFunc.nsh

Didn't look enough, huh?

Might be

${WordReplace} "$INSTDIR" "\" "\\" + $R0

That gave me a big fat error though =/

Invalid command: ${WordReplace}

Assuming that you read:



See the bit at the top:

Usage in script:
1. !include "WordFunc.nsh"
2. !insertmacro WordFunction
I think you missed number 2.


looks like it. Added it, but now it throws a new error at me :S

!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\WordFunc.nsh"
!macro "WordFunction": unterminated (no !macroend found in file)!
Error in script "C:\design\mangadownload\openvpn\sample\sample\installer\md.nsi" on line 162 -- aborting creation process

It's the first time I have a try at making an installer, so bear with my stupidity

arg, stupid me, typo XD