9th August 2006 19:10 UTC
zipdll problems
I'm having some problems with the zipdll plugin
It failes, but does not return an error
The file ( is in the same dir as the installer. It worked for a while, and then it stopped working for no apparent reason.
; extracting the user keys
!insertmacro ZIPDLL_EXTRACT "" "$INSTDIR\keys" "<ALL>"
IfErrors 0 +2
abort "something failed"
Afrow UK
10th August 2006 10:14 UTC
Give it a full path:
NSIS plugins can't set the error flag.
18th August 2006 11:13 UTC
Originally posted by Afrow UK
NSIS plugins can't set the error flag.
That's actually possible since 2.03 using the fifth plug-in parameter which points to a exec_flags_type struct. It's used in the Dialer plug-in.