Archive: wrong page priority

wrong page priority
I was troubled for a long time ,could you help me?

I need to install 5 components :Mysql5.0,Create a database ,JDK,Tomcat,...
my script just like this:
section Mysql5.0
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\Mysql\Mysql-Setup.exe"' $0

Section /o "Create Database in Mysql " SEC05
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0" "Location" ;
ExecWait '"$R1\Bin\mysql" -h$dbServer -u$dbUser -p$password -e"create database mydb"' $0

ExecWait '"$R1\Bin\mysql" -h$dbServer -u$dbUser -p$password -Dmydb <c:\createTables.sql' $0

Section "JDK1.5" SEC04
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\JDK1.5\jdk-1_5_0_06-windows-i586-p.exe"' $0

Section "Tomcat5.5" SEC03
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-5.5.17.exe"'

Afer I choosed both components of "Mysql5.0" and "Create Database in Mysql" or other more,
the mysql installtion even not finished ,but the JDK installtion had begun.
In the section "Create Database in Mysql" , a custom page will be launched to allow to input the root password.
Also it was fail caused by the wrong page priority .

I need your help!Thx

SOS ,thx

This has been answered many times on the forums. Some installers pass execution onto a separate thread and therefore ExecWait does not wait. You need to give it additional parameters to prevent this from happening.


I had searched many times in the forums to find out the results ,but ...
Thx ,I will try again!