Archive: Setting Windows Service Dependancies?

Setting Windows Service Dependancies?
Hello all,

I have been following this forum closely, and it has answered all my previous questions with NSIS, but this one has be stumped.

My installer installs 2 windows services, sets them to autorun and sets one to be dependant on the other.

I use ServiceLib to create the services and the registry DLL to update the registry to set the dependancies.

The services are installed and they start up fine, but even those they SAY they are dependant on each other in the service properties this is not the actual case.

Has anyone else accomplished something similar to what I am trying to do? Please share your experiences!

Thanks for your time. :D


I will answer my own question since it seems that no-one else can offer help. :(

Once the dependancies are set up, you will have to reboot the system for them to truely take effect. I was not doing this initially.

Hope this helps anyone else. :)