Archive: File searching

File searching
is there anyway I can search for a file by using part of the file name. For example if I was searching for but there were multiple's and all I want is I thought maybe I could use * like * but I found out that it doesn't work that way.

here is my code

ZipDLL::extractall "$EXEDIR\" "$INSTDIR" "<ALL>"

all I want to search for is IIMS_Base_Software because the rest is due to change.

Should be able use wildcards with FindFirst FindNext commands (see help files for usage).

For your particular issue, use "?" as your wild card.
"File?.zip" would file names of,,, etc.

*, in contrast, will match anything that ends with "", which could match more than just those named ""

So I should be able to do something like this right?

ZipDLL::extractall "$EXEDIR\IIMS_Base_Software_?.zip" "$INSTDIR" "<ALL>"

or is there another way it has to be done? I did look at the examples for FindFirst and FindNext commands but I couldn't figure out how the example worked.

You need to use FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose.

FindFirst $R0 $R1 "$EXEDIR\IIMS_Base_Software_?.zip"
IfErrors Done

# Do whatever with "$EXEDIR\$R1" here.

FindNext $R0 $R1
Goto Loop
FindClose $R0


I seem to be getting an error with the FineClose $R0 part.

here is my code:

FindFirst $R0 $R1 "$EXEDIR\IIMS_Base_Software_?.zip"
IfErrors Done

ZipDLL::extractall "$EXEDIR\$R1" "$INSTDIR" "<ALL>"

FindNext $R0 $R1
Goto Loop
FineClose $R0

here is the error I get

FindFirst: spec="$EXEDIR\IIMS_Base_Software_?.zip" handle=$R0 output=$R1
IfErrors ?Done:
File: "ZipDLL.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\ZipDLL.dll" [compress] 86234/167424 bytes
Plugin Command: extractall $EXEDIR\$R1 $INSTDIR <ALL>
FindNext: handle=$R0 output=$R1
Goto: Loop
Invalid command: FineClose
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\l.iw_user\Desktop\IIMSInstall project\main\warnInstall.nsi" on line 85 -- aborting creation process

Typo, it's FindClose not FineClose.


That's a typo. Use FindClose instead of FineClose.

ok thanks I got that fixed now. There are no errors but it won’t unzip the file. I am guessing it isn't finding it but it is there because I can use $EXEDIR\ and that works. I don't see why but I think the wildcard isn't working. Any suggestions?

? is for single characters only. 20060501 is more than 1 character. Use * instead of ?


oh ok cool. I was wondering what the differance between the two was. Thanks again :)