Archive: Advice on approach to installing apache

Advice on approach to installing apache

I am builiding an install package that installs apache at one stage, I am using the Apache windows exe. Now this is all good and working fine but I want to use an installer that installs to a different directory other than c:\program files, which is the default in the Apache installer.

So I see a few ways I can do this which throws up some questions.

1. I could make my own install exe package of Apache and set it up so it installs to my desired directory. For this I would need to know what registry keys need to be set and which files I need to include.

2. Run the installer as normal and after install, with NSIS, move the Apache directory out of Program Files to the directory I want it to be in and then reset all the keys. For this I would need to know all the registry keys that need to be set in an Apache install?

3. Compile my own version. BUT I am thinking that this will not help in anyway how the exe installer sets the directory to c:\program files.

So basically what I think I need is a list of registry keys that are set by the Apache windows exe installer and what they should be set to/ represent. Where would I find this information?

OR is there a better way that anyone can think of doing this. Am I approching the problem in the correct way? The point is to get an automated installation of Apache.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Is there no way to set the install path with a command line switch?


Command line switch
Maybe the command line switch would work; what is it, how would I (inject!?!?) this to the apache exe installer?

This is the kind of advice I am looking for as I am new to this and only have to make the install package once so I have a lot of stuff to learn that I will never need to use again, which is a shame but there you go.

thanks for reading

Funky avatar by the way Afrow, nice one.


So Afrow you would suggest something like this:

ExecWait "apache.exe /DINSTALLDIR=c:\dira\dirb myscript.nsi"

A couple of things I am not totally clear about here the apache.exe would need to accept and be looking for a variable INSTALLDIR, correct? I think it might be difficult to find this out as it is the standard Apache windows installer.

And also what is the myscript.nsi referencing? What is this script.

cheers for reading.


Ok Afrow nice one you pointed me in the right direction I can pass switches to the msie exe thingy. This does the trick to set the install dir:

F:\downloadedSoftware>apinst.exe /v"INSTALLDIR=\"c:\z\"

thanks for your help man.
