Archive: Add Empty Dir with empty subdirs

Add Empty Dir with empty subdirs
How can I add a directory that contains only empty subdirectories. Nesting level can be very big.
I tried to add them like this:

File /r Data ; Data - is the root directory name
But had error "no files found".
File: Descending to: ".\Data\"
File: Descending to: ".\Data\01\"
File: Descending to: ".\Data\01\in\"
File: Descending to: ".\Data\01\out\"
File: Descending to: ".\Data\01\temp\"
File: Returning to: "."
File: "Data" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
/oname=outfile one_file_only)

I don't think that will work because File is for compressing files.

You can recursively create directories with SetOutPath, or create them from the lowest level up to the highest with CreateDirectory.


Thanks for reply.
Is there any easier way to recursively add directories to my installation?

You can create empty files in your folders or create some script that'd generate the appropriate NSIS code to create the directories. You can even use NSIS to script that using FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose.