Archive: 1605 Error with MSIExec

1605 Error with MSIExec

I am using following statement ti install .Net Framework 2.0

ExecWait 'MSIEXEC.EXE /fa "$EXEDIR\ReDistributable\dotnetfx\netfx.msi" /qn ALLUSERS=2 /norestart' $0

However on some PCs it's giving me the following error

1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

Am I making any mistake while passing parameters to msiexec statement?

It works fine on my PC and some other development PC, but not on the PCs which are new and has not been installed other softwares except the OS (Windows 2000 Prof.).

Please HELP !!!!

A quick search in Google revealed this article from MS:

Basicaly it says to clean up the user's TEMP space.

And this article from InstallShield, which basically says that the PC for some reason might think that the application is already installed (but really isn't):

And, from experience, I've found that many of these strange MSI errors can be caused by one or more of the following:
1) The user's PC is not up to date with the latest Service Packs

2) The user's version of Windows Installer is an older version. (I believe Version 3.1 is the most recent version available.)

3) The user may have attempted to install .NET framework, but the install never completed, or they got errors. (I've seen some cases it was that a user with limited permissions tried the install and failed) The MSI cleanup suggestion from InstallSheild can be very useful this this type of situation.

Oh What I am stuck into...
Hi Comperio,

Thanks buddy for giving me the headstart, however MS article is saying to cleanup the Temp folder of the user.

Even InstallShield Forum I checked with the follwoing article

Says to Download Windows Installer Clean Up utility and use it which is also not a workable solution.

Can you guys can help me, on the issue, why some PCs give me 1605?

Aside from what I suggested earlier, I'm out of ideas...

I can tell you from experience in my own company that usually having the user hit MS upate site and getting the latest patches (including the latest .NET frameowrk) will usually resolve. (If not, going through the other suggestions will usually fix it.)

If anyone else has any ideas, feel free to chime in!

Hi Comperio,

I just wanted to have a total "Offline" solution.
My final users will have no or almost dead internet connection(may be 56k dialup).

Thanks for your help anyways.

Hi guys,

I twiked the line below
ExecWait 'MSIEXEC.EXE /fa "$EXEDIR\ReDistributable\dotnetfx\netfx.msi" /qn ALLUSERS=2 /norestart' $0


ExecWait 'MSIEXEC.EXE /i "$EXEDIR\ReDistributable\dotnetfx\netfx.msi" /qn ALLUSERS=2 /norestart' $0

and the 1605 thing did resolved, but now on some PCs I have came accross 1603 Fatal Error.

MSI is :down: men.
Can you people help me out, the setup test is always done on Windows XP or Win2k proffessional versions.