Archive: Ultra Modern UI Question(Bug?)

Ultra Modern UI Question(Bug?)

I hope this is the right place to ask the question
because the UMUI Forum is only in french....

Following problem under WINXP
It seems that under WINXP the setting
is ignored (if you have the Windows XP-Style aktivated and
not the classic style)
The problem is, that the default color is dark blue
and a dark blue text on a not so dark blue background ...

hopefully somebody can help me

(ps.: when is version 1.00b2 comming? )


You can also post english message in the french forum.
Or you can also post english/french message on the UltraModernUI SourceForge project Forum

is ignored if you have the Windows XP-Style

This is why the XPStyle was disabled by default....

(ps.: when is version 1.00b2 comming? )
Very soon, I will start a public beta test for the uncoming beta 2 version. I have still some features to implement:

The phase of tests public will begin when all what appears in bold will be carried out.
The final beta2 will release when all the remainder of this list will be carried out.

TODO Lists for the Beta2 version:

- Maintenance and Update Pages: coding of the functions selecting the good sections to be installed according to the selected option. Require to save the installed sections list.
- AdditionalTasks and Serial Number pages: support of the safeguard of the parameters in the register for the update/Repair/Modify option. Require to rewrite a part of these pages.

- Second reading and cleaning of all the code
- Complete the documentation

Correction for my unofficial version of InstallOptionEx:
- If we change the bacground color of a Link control to transparent, the background color become white...
- We cannot change the text and background colors of a GroupBox control, it remains color of Windows....

I will have need all beta testers, translators, correctors (for the orthography of the French and English file as of Doc.) available but also, if some developers are interested for help me on my new SkinnedControls plugin that skin Buttons AND/OR ScrollBars and InstallOptionEx, I am also a prennor.

This is some Screenshots:

The three skins type:
The "blue" skin:
The "blue2" skin:
The "SoftBlue" skin:

The "SoftBrown" Skin with Buttons and ScrollBars Skinned

The SetupType Page:
The SetupType page in the ModernUIEx mode:

The AlernativeStartMenu page with treeview and SellVarContext options (and also with the GroupBox InstallOptionEx bug :confused: ):

The Multi-languages page in ModernUIEx mode:

The UMUI_Small UI:

Thanks for the quick answer!

I volunteer for a beta tester!
Probably I can help you with your InstallOptionsEx problems but don't count on it.

So if you need help,...
