Archive: silent - functions not called

silent - functions not called
Hi all,

I have to make my installer/uninstaller to run silently. For this I was reading from the help "4.12 Silent Installers/Uninstallers". There is the following statement:
"When an installer or an uninstaller is silent, not all callback functions are called. .onGUIInit, .onGUIEnd, their uninstaller equivalents and any callback related to a specific page or page type will not be called."

I'm not sure I know what the "callback related to a specific page or page type" is. In my scripts I have the following:

- some function and macros I defined which are called manly in .onInit
- Function .onInit
- Section "MainSection" SEC01
- Section -Post
- Function Pre_select_dir_page (related to: !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE Pre_select_dir_page)

- Function un.onInit
- Section Uninstall
- Function un.LeaveFeedbackPage (related to: UninstPage custom un.LeaveFeedbackPage)
- Function un.UninstallModePage (related to: UninstPage custom un.UninstallModePage un.ValidateSelection)
- Function un.ValidateSelection (related to: UninstPage custom un.UninstallModePage un.ValidateSelection)

1) Can one point out where can I find what a "callback related to a specific page or page type" is?
2) Are any of my above functions one of the functions that are NOT called in a silent install/uninstall? or will they all be called?


For your first question, I take that to mean that any callbacks related to a page won't be called. (This would include a page's pre, show, and leave functions and is probably due to the fact that in silent mode, pages aren't displayed so it woudn't make sense to process the page functions.)

But, I would expect the sections should still behave normally.

(Keep in mind, I'm just saying what I THINK should happen--I've not actually tested them to find out for sure.)

These functions are probably not called.

You can also add messageboxes in the functions / sections to see wherever they are called in silent mode.

Function Pre_select_dir_page
MessageBox MB_OK "Pre_select_dir_page is called"

Thx guys,

I used MessageBox calls and detected that indeed the functions stated by trueparuex are not called.
