Archive: silent - logging

silent - logging
Hi all,

I have to make my installer/uninstaller to run silently.
One thing I'm doing in .onInit is to check if some prerequisites are satisfied and if not I show a MsgBox with an explanatory msg and then I bail out the installer. When my installer will be run silently, there is no way for smbd to find out why did the installer bail out as the msgbox with the explanation is not shown. Is there a known way to log this infos somehow?


Re: silent - logging

Originally posted by coco_vc
When my installer will be run silently, there is no way for smbd to find out why did the installer bail out as the msgbox with the explanation is not shown.
By default all messageboxes are shown in silent mode too, but if you are using the /SD parameter to make the messagebox silent, you can use the file write functions (NSIS manual - 4.9.5 File Instructions) to write your own log file.


I was thinking of an already automated way, eg LogText - see 4.9.12 Install Logging Instructions. The problem is that, as written in the help, to use this you have to set the NSIS_CONFIG_LOG and recompile the NSIS, and I don't want to recompile the NSIS.

So, seems there is no other way than just write myself the log file.


You can download pre-build makensis.exe and stubs with log support here. :)

Yes, so I have 2 choises:
- either download the special nsis version and use LogText
- or write my own logging
