Changig desktop wallpaper
Just trying to change the desktop wallpaper by setting the following reg entries:
WriteRegStr HKCU "Control Panel\Desktop" "ConvertedWallpaper" "$PROGRAMFILES\Waza\waza-1024x768.jpg"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Control Panel\Desktop" "Wallpaper" "$PROGRAMFILES\Waza\waza-1024x768.jpg"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Control Panel\Desktop" "OriginalWallpaper" "$PROGRAMFILES\Waza\waza-1024x768.jpg"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Control Panel\Desktop" "WallpaperStyle" "2"
Well, registry is correctly updated, but the wallpaper does not change. It keeps the old wallpaper.
How can I tell windows to resfresh or to keep the new one ?
Thank you
PS/ tested on win xp sp2