Archive: DLL Register + GAC

DLL Register + GAC
Hi everyone

In my installer, I need to copy some DLL's to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) (In .NET, I use GacUtil.exe) and also to register one of them (in .NET, the command is regasm).

1 - For GAC, I've found this:
but it doesn't work as the new .NET frameworks do not include GacUtil.exe... so, how do I copy a DLL to GAC?

2 - How do I register a DLL? I've found this:
but it only works in windows 95 and 98... what about in winxp?

1+2 = If it's easier, how do I get the same functionality of REGASM and GACUTIL ?

3 - My installer will not install any exe on the client computer, so how do I add a Icon to the add/remove programs without having to copy an Icon to his computer?

Thanks a lot

  1. The second solution, on the bottom of the page, should work without gacutil.exe.
  2. RegDLL and UnregDLL are available on every version of Windows. I've updated the page.
  3. You can't.