Archive: File instruction fails with "-> no files found"

File instruction fails with "-> no files found"
  There is probably an easy solution for this:

In my nsi file, I have:

!define SOURCEPATH "c:\bla\blabla\"
File "{$SOURCEPATH}target3.xml"

When I compile this, I get:
"File: "$SOURCEPATH" -> no files found."
yet the absolute path for the source file is valid.

What I really want to do is use Var and StrCpy, but I get the same result. So, how can I use a user-defined "variable" correctly in the File instruction?



In my small experience:

!define SOURCEPATH "c:\\bla\\blabla"

>File "${SOURCEPATH}\\target3.xml"

Re: File instruction fails with "-> no files found"

Originally posted by greenfant
File "{$SOURCEPATH}target3.xml"
File "${SOURCEPATH}target3.xml"
But as Joel said, is better to exclude the trailing backslash from the path, and include it where it will be used ;)


That did it. Thanks for your help!!!