Archive: How display my own bitmap?

How display my own bitmap?

I'm trying to get NSIS Modern UI to display my own bitmap on the Welcome page.

I have created a bmp (164x314) and set the MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP to the path of the bmp file. I only get a blank image!

If I change to another bmp,not created by me but so far as I can tell is the same (except for the actual image), then it works!

What's the trick?

// Anders

Try to load your bitmap in MS Paint and then save the image again via File>Save in MS Paint.

This way you know the Bitmap BMP is written correctly.

It is possible that the graphic paint program you use does not write correct BMP headers.

Clean your test PC temp folder files, (Crap Cleaner will help to clean all your temp files quickly )


After resaving it with Paint it worked like a charm!

Thank you very much, I would never have figured this out myself!

// Anders:D