Archive: help for a command regsvr

help for a command regsvr

instead of use a simply install.bat which including the line "regsvr32 /s "mycreation.dll"

i would like to include this into my NSIS script

does it possible ? can you help me Because i don't find ...

i tested

ExecWait '"plugins\install.bat"'

ExecWait '$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe /s "$INSTDIR\plugins\mycreation.dll"'
don't match

and when i register my dll manually (double clic on install.bat (who only contain "regsvr32 /s "mycreation.dll")

it match....


ExecWait "$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe /s $INSTDIR\plugins\mycreation.dll"

I think you had some quote problems. I tested it (with different file of course) and it worked fine.


Why are you using regsvr32 which doesn't exist on all Windows versions?
Just use RegDLL and UnRegDLL.


i believe he sorted things out in the end possibly from the thread i pasted last night and the messages i was left on aim (hopefully the RegDll method was used since that seemed to be the way to go from the most recent thread i'd found about it all).


hi guys
thanks for you help!
i finally succeed with that
RegDLL "plugins\mycreation.dll"

woo ! thanks