Archive: Uninstall installed sections

Uninstall installed sections
I am using InstType in my installer to allow for Full, Client or Server installations.

InstType Full
InstType Client
InstType Server

Section "Common"
SectionIn 1 2 3
Section End

Section "Menus"
SectionIn 1 2

Section "Data"
SectionIn 1 3

Is there a simple way of running uninstall sections only for the corresponding installed sections. E.g. if it was a client installation on want to run uninstall sections corresponding to the Common and Menus section.

Thanks in advance

You'd have to write down a list of the installed sections somewhere. For example, you could add a registry entry at the end of every section. The uninstaller sections will then read and delete those values and only uninstall what they need to uninstall if those values where there.