Archive: relative paths with copyfiles

relative paths with copyfiles

I know relative paths are bad with copyfiles. But I have folders A with subfolder B. There there a 2 files in folder B and when one of the applications is executed it should copy this file from folder B back up to folder A.

For example

CopyFiles $EXEDIR\file.exe $EXEDIR\.. but somehow this idea won't work.

Have you got any idea of what I could use there?


I guess the problem is the ".." on the last path.

If you can't come up with another way, you can use the function GetParent which I can't find at the moment.

should be here, but sourceforge is lazy right now.

I tried the getparent and inserted it. I used Push $EXEDIR however it still won't copy the file to the parent directory.

Any ideas?

It would help if you showed your code.


Ok. I just found the error. Got the paths wrong so my mistake.