MUI StartMenu macro -- What is page_id? __ Resolved
I have to say that the NSIS documentation is very helpful and well-written, but in trying to convert to MUI I encountered something that I can't make any sense of. For the StartMenu macro, the following instructions are given:
Put the code to write the shortcuts (using CreateShortcut) between the MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN and MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END macros:

!insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN page_id
...create shortcuts...
The page ID should be the ID of the page on which the user has selected the folder for the shortcuts you want to write.

The page where the user selected the folder for the shortcuts I want to write is the Directory page. So how do I define a page_id for the Directory page? MUI has no way to define page_id as far as I can tell, except for this macro. How am I supposed to point the StartMenu macro to another page via page_id, when there is no facility for assigning page_id to any MUI page???

I searched the index and the documentation for page_id and found nothing. And none of the examples use the construction that I quoted above; but neither do they define shortcut items for the startmenu folder via any other method.

RESOLVED: This is very confusing language, but I finally figured out that I can create a page_id arbitrarily, so long as I use a single name to reference each Start menu page