detect has already been installed
how to check previous version install when setup!
Archive: detect has already been installed
detect has already been installed
how to check previous version install when setup!
When you install, write the version number to the registry when done installing, e.g.
( slashes "/" should be backslashes "\" - darn php tag. )
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software/YourCompany/YourProduct/" "version" "version number"
( above can be in the last section, or in .onInstSuccess, or.. etc.
ReadRegStr$0 HKCU "Software/YourCompany/YourProduct/" "version"
The version number will then be in $0. If the key did not exist, it'll just be empty. So you can do some rudimentary things with it...
StrCmp $0 "" _noPreviousInstall
IntCmp$0 current_version _sameVersion _olderVersion _newerVersion
;insert code to execute here when there has been no previous installation.
>goto _continue
;insert code to execute here when the old installed version is the same as the current version
goto _continue
; insert code to execute here when the old installed version is older than the current version
goto _continue
;insert code to execute here when the old installed version is /newer/ than the current version.
>goto _continue
;the rest of the code to continue with
Originally posted by AnimaetherUse the code tag instead.
( slashes "/" should be backslashes "\" - darn php tag. )
haha.. yeah, we've been over this before (I was gone for a while) - I like the highlighting of PHP.
There should really be an NSIS tag added so syntax highlight while keeping the [code] formatting. I know, I know.. "will you write it?".. if I could! :)