Archive: replace current installer exe. is it possible?

replace current installer exe. is it possible?
hi. i know that it is possible to have an uninstaller remove itself.

is there any way to make a regular installer replace itself for a newer one? i want to do this because i made an updater with nsis that downloads newer versions of a group of files, but the problem is when i want to update the updater.

i need it to be the same path and name because there are severall references to this updater on the client machine, so adding a new updater with a different name is out of the question.

i just want to know if there is any way to get this done, if not i will just restructure the way my entire project updates.

To do this you need to have a separate executable which you run from the main installer which then calls Quit. From the separate executable, you can then overwrite the installer executable with the new one, execute the installer and Quit.
The separate executable can also be written in NSIS.


thank you. very helpfull.