Archive: Variable as folder file for installer

Variable as folder file for installer

I have the same dll but in different language, stored in the following structure :


in my NSI script i have a variable $LG which contain the installation language selected by use of installer.

I would like to do something like that :

File "application\$LG\mydll.dll"

but as you can guess NSIS tells that this file does not exist due to the fact that during compilation time $LG is not defined.

So how can i cope with that ?

in fact i would like to have in my installation file, all dll localized, and only when user install my application, it will copy the right localized dll.

thanks a lot,


If I got you right...

Even if $LG would be defined at compile time it would never work.

I recommend that you use StrCmp or something.

StrCmp "$LG" "english" 0 +3
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\english"
File "application\english\mydll.dll"