Archive: installer command line usage

installer command line usage

I'm wondering about installer command line usage. How to check or uncheck any options in a installer by using command line? I know /S is for silent. /D is for install directory.

Thanks a lot,


No one knows?

Is there any way I can specify an runtime input parameter?

Any input will be appreciated.

Look at NSIS documentation's chapter 4.12

Better look at Appendix E.1 File Function Headers. These are more "built-in" than this example at chapter 4.12.

Look for ${GetParameters} and ${GetOptions}

!!!see E.1.1 Introduction for usage notes!!!

Thanks Filus and saschagottfried's reply.

However I found another issue. I have custom pages to setup some configuration. It seems when I run with command line, those custom page did not get hit. What's problem? How can I run command line to run my custom page?

Do you mean that all other pages show normally and this one not? When you don't use command line is all ok?
It's hard to guess without your example of command line call, and maybe some code.

Go to NSIS/Examples, try to run gfx.exe in command line.
gfx.exe /S

You will see the customPage did not get runned.

Or you can try example FileFunc.nsi in Examples dir. Custom page did not run.

Why would you expect pages to display in silent mode?

I don't expect the pages to display in silent mode. I just thought the page should be executed in silent mode.

As far as I know, when in silent mode, only the sections and few special callback functions (such as .onInit) get called. All other functions (including pages) get skipped.