Archive: How to install two versions of the file with NSIS?

How to install two versions of the file with NSIS?
I would like to do NSIS installer, that will including two versions of file - user will choose which one of them will be installed. How can I do it?

For example.

I have two versions of program. First one is Free version (Free.exe) and second one is Pro version (Pro.exe).
I need to do an installer that will show Custom Page (after License page) with possibility to decide which program user wants to install.
Something like this:

RadioButtons on Custom Page:

1. My Program, version Free
2. My Program, version Pro

If User choose first radiobutton Installer will install 1 program (Free), when he decide to install the second one Installer will install 2 program - Pro version. How to show this file on the next Page - Components List?
After user choose one of them Installer will show another Page, with Components List - Here will be for example Version Free (or Pro) and a few other folders (that user can check and decide to install or not. After this, on another Page user choose a directory to install the files.

Is it possible to do that in NSIS? How?
Please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.

This should help.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
This should help.

Thanks, but this is not exactly what I want...
In Your example we can install two programs - I want to Install only one of them - and only 1 program must be on the list of components - this program what user choosen.
Any ideas?

I said it would help. What you need is much more complicated however.
It would be much simpler to have three installer executables. One for each program and one which launches the corresponding installer (with Exec) depending on the users' selection on an InstallOptions dialog.


The only thing that I would be careful of is that if the Pro version has certain files you don't want distributed with a free version (because of licensing or payment issues), than don't have it all in one executable (even with Afrow UK's suggestion of one installer launching two others) because all the files can be gotten to via 7zip. Just FYI.