Archive: Need a real custom welcome page

Need a real custom welcome page
Hi Afrow,

I have searched almost everything from loading bitmaps to banners, but not meeting the requirements what I need for my setup, please help me.

I require a real custom welcome page,
Please see the attached image for better understanding.

Is there a need to edit the welcome page through resource hacker? but It seems it is not a good idea for me, coz my other setups will also get affected.

Please suggest me a nice trick as usual.

Thanks in advance.

You need to do is to greate a custom page for InstallOptions plug-in and then replace the default Modern UI welcome page with MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI macro and change some of the MUI welcome page settings like the bitmap and texts.

Also you probably want to change the texts font size. You can use MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW macro for this. Look the NSIS manual and Wiki for examples to change the actual fonts.

Hi {_trueparuex^},

Thanks for this hint.

I am really not getting the clue on what to do.
I have never used MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW macro,
Can you please provide me with the link/sample code you thing could solve this problem?

Mean while I am also searching this in NSIS help and forum.
Thanks once again.

Look in Modern UI Readme for the macros. MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW is in "Page Custom Functions" section.

MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW will set a external function for show function for custom page. And it's need to be called before the page insert macro.

Function MyShow
; Do the font changing here.

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME

Maybe I'll write an example with all the elements later.

Edit: Oops MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW is a define not a macro.

Thanks {_trueparuex^}
I will try this out.

Originally posted by {_trueparuex^}
Maybe I'll write an example with all the elements later.
And here it is. It was a bit more complex to implement than I thought, but the basic idea works. :)

In addition to welcome page show function welcome page pre function is needed to edit the welcome page in runtime to fix some of the changes MUI does by default to the page.

Also notice that when using this method the finish page changes too. So if you are going to use finish page you need add own pre and show fuctions for finish page too or simply just use the same functions as welcome page.

You're the GOD......

Thanks man I wanted this only....
Now I will only need to play with the fonts, they look too small but you sorted out the major problem.

NSIS dudes are real brain, man!
Thanks a lot.